Signs Your Recently Adopted Child May Need A Child Psychologist

If you have adopted a child recently, you and your family are likely overjoyed and ecstatic. And even if your new child is also feeling those things, there may be other issues underneath the surface that need to be addressed. When a child has been in the foster care system, for example, or given up by their biological parents, they may experience trauma and develop mental health issues and difficulties as a result. [Read More]

How PHP Services Can Help You

If you are a person with a mental health condition, whether it is depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or another condition, you may come to a point at some time in your life when you need serious treatment for your condition. When you need such treatment, one of the options available to you may be a partial hospitalization program (PHP). PHP services can have many benefits for you and your mental health needs. [Read More]

Several Reasons To Consider Open Adoption

If you have been thinking about putting your baby up for adoption, you have probably been referred to a counseling center to help you evaluate your options and choose the right adoption path for your situation. One of the things that the adoption counselors will tell you is that you can choose between open and closed adoptions. In a closed adoption, neither you nor the adoptive parents know each other's names, addresses, or any other personal information. [Read More]

Common Reasons Adults Choose To Seek Therapy

A large percentage of adults in the United States seek out therapy for one reason or another in their lifetime. While it is a common misconception that the only people who need therapy are those that have mental health problems, more and more people seek the help of a therapist for other reasons as well. If you believe you may need to talk to a therapist, it can be helpful to know the reasons many others seek professional help. [Read More]